Used Tata 4825 for Sale

FAQs on Used Tata 4825 Truck

TrucksBuses lists the maximum number of old Tata 4825 trucks along with complete details like photos, price, and seller details.

You can find a lot of second hand Tata 4825 trucks at various platforms like OLX, Facebook Marketplace and at Used Tata 4825 truck dealers and brokers dealing in sale purchase are available at

Any buyer of used Tata 4825 trucks can find the widest variety of second hand Tata 4825 trucks available for sale at You can choose from a variety of second hand Tata 4825 trucks with complete details and pics to choose the best used bus.

As far as the used model Tata 4825 trucks for sale in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat and Maharashtra are concerned, is the best website to check all the vehicles available for sale online.

The price of any used Tata 4825 trucks depends on its year of manufacturing, vehicle condition, body type, document validity and tyre condition. Therefore, Tata 4825 trucks prices can vary a lot from vehicle to vehicle. You can check the price against respective vehicles above.

The buyer can directly contact the seller of any old Tata 4825 trucks available for sale and it is purely the buyer's choice to accept or reject the seller's offer after doing thorough due diligence of the vehicle's physical inspection, vehicle history and document check up. It is purely upto the buyer to coordinate directly with the seller whose details are available. TrucksBuses shall not be responsible for any dealing directly between the buyer and seller.

Yes, you can avail loan facility on used Tata 4825 trucks through

Yes, you can directly contact the seller if you like any particular old Tata 4825 trucks by clicking on contact seller button.

Old Tata 4825 Trucks for Sale

The used Tata 4825 truck market in India is growing rapidly. You can check out the second-hand Tata 4825 trucks available for sale at TrucksBuses with complete details. While buying a used Tata 4825 truck, be careful to physically inspect the vehicle details like engine condition, chassis frame for any cracks, exterior body, cabin interiors and tyre condition. 

Second Hand Tata 4825 Truck Price in India

The price of any used Tata 4825 truck depends on their year of manufacturing, body condition, engine condition and document validity. Therefore, this second hand truck prices may vary a lot for different options. You can check the price against the respective listings of used trucks above each vehicle. The tentative idea of the price range of used Tata 4825 trucks start from Rs 10 lacs to 30 lacs.

Used 4825 Tata Truck Dealers

You can find various second-hand Tata 4825 truck dealers that can offer various used truck options. TrucksBuses also have their dealerships for second hand vehicles. You can choose according to your requirements and make a profitable deal. We have also an option of filters where by clicking you can find the vehicle's modifications, color of vehicle, etc. We can connect you with the seller directly at nominal website charges.
Available Models of Used Tata 4825 Trucks
On TrucksBuses, you will find a large number of old Tata 4825 trucks. Used truck models of the years between 2009 and 2024. Here you can check whether it is the first owner or second and much more.

How Can I Buy a Pre-owned Tata 4825 Truck?

Here we are going to provide some details for buying a Tata 4825 truck model.
  • Check the engine and body condition of used Tata 4825 truck
  • Verify the documents and RC details
  • Check the owner details
  • Check the tyre condition of the second-hand Tata 4825 truck
  • Kilometres Run
  • Take a test drive
  • Check the modifications whether they are legal or not

How TrucksBuses is Reliable For Old Tata 4825 Trucks?

TrucksBuses is the right place to find the used Tata 4825 models. It connects you directly to trusted sellers, avoiding various brokerages. We offer a reasonable fee to connect you with a seller. TrucksBuses also has dealerships for second hand vehicles in Mahendergarh and Gurgaon districts of Haryana. In comparison to other dealerships, here you will get a wide range of used Tata 4825 trucks with all the key specifications and images.