Used Eicher 1114 xp for Sale

FAQs on Used Eicher 1114 xp Truck

Yes, you can directly contact the seller if you like any particular used Eicher 1114 XP by clicking on contact seller button.

You can find a lot of second hand trucks like OLX, Facebook Marketplace and at Used Eicher truck dealers and brokers dealing in truck sale purchase are available at

Any buyer of used trucks can find the widest variety of second hand Eicher 1114 XP trucks available for sale at You can choose from a variety of second hand used Eicher 1114 XP trucks with complete details and pics to choose the best used truck suitable for your requirement.

As far as the used model Eicher 1114 XP second hand trucks for sale in Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat and Maharashtra are concerned, is the best website to check all the vehicles available for sale online.

The price of any used Eicher 1114 XP truck depends on its year of manufacturing, vehicle condition, body type, document validity and tyre condition. Therefore Eicher 1114 XP second hand truck prices can vary a lot from vehicle to vehicle. You can check the price against respective vehicles above.

The buyer can directly contact the seller of any old Eicher 1114 XP truck available for sale and it is purely the buyer's choice to accept or reject the seller's offer after doing thorough due diligence of the vehicle's physical inspection, vehicle history and document check up. It is purely upto the buyer to coordinate directly with the seller whose details are available. TrucksBuses shall not be responsible for any dealing directly between the buyer and seller.

Yes, you can avail finance facility on used second hand Eicher 1114 XP trucks through

Yes, you can directly contact the seller if you like any particular old Eicher 1114 XP by clicking on contact seller button.

Eicher 6 Chakka 1114 XP Old Model Trucks 

These old models of  Eicher 1114 XP offer various features and specifications to meet your diverse transportation needs. Buyers can choose based on their preferences and budget, ensuring reliability and cost-effectiveness for a variety of business applications. Checking with online platforms like TrucksBuses helps in finding specific models that may fulfil your individual needs.

Used Eicher 1114 XP Truck Dealers

You can find old Eicher 1114 XP truck dealers through various channels. Additionally, online platforms such as TrucksBuses and classified advertising websites where you will get a list of used trucks for sale. Local dealerships that specialise in commercial vehicles may also have these trucks available. Always be sure to inquire about a truck's condition and maintenance history before making a final decision.

Price Range of Used Eicher 1114 XP Trucks

The price range of used Eicher 1114 XP trucks varies depending on factors such as current loan status, insurance validity, mileage and condition (body and engine). Older models of superb performance are available at affordable price ranges while new models may have some high costs. It is important to inspect the truck and check its maintenance history before purchasing. After all verifications, you can find a reliable old Eicher 1114 XP truck within your budget.

Points to Consider Before Buying Second Hand Eicher 1114 XP Trucks

Consider the following points before buying a second-hand Eicher 1114 XP:
  • Condition: Inspect the truck thoroughly for any signs of damage by checking the engine, chassis, suspension and body of the used 1114 XP Eicher truck
  • Documentation: Verify all relevant documents including registration papers, insurance, current loan status and service history
  • Purpose: Ensure whether the truck fulfils your specific transportation requirements
  • Test Drive: Take the truck for a test drive to evaluate its performance, handling and comfort
  • Price: Compare prices with similar models on the market to make sure you are getting a suitable deal

Why TrucksBuses are Best for old Eicher 1114 XP Trucks?

TrucksBuses is the best choice to buy old Eicher 1114 XP trucks as they specialise in commercial vehicles. We provide a huge range of options ensuring that you will get the right truck that meet your needs. They offer transparent pricing and financing options, making the purchasing process easy and convenient. With Trucksbuses, you can make the right deal with full reliability and an affordable price range.