Used Tata Intra V30 4 Wheeler mini trucks for Sale in India
Customers of second hand mini trucks can get the widest variety of used Tata Intra V30 mini trucks available for sale at TrucksBuses. You can choose from various 2nd hand Tata Intra V30 mini trucks with complete details like images, and type to choose the best second-hand hand Tata mini truck suitable for your requirements.
Second Hand Tata Intra V30 Mini Truck Price in India
The price of an old Tata Intra V30 mini truck depends on various factors like the year of manufacture, vehicle condition, body type, validity of documents, and tyre condition. Thus, the price range of Tata Intra V30 mini trucks used trucks varies from vehicle to vehicle. You can check the vehicle-wise price on the used mini truck listing page above. The estimated price of an Intra V30 used mini truck ranges from a minimum of Rs 3,00,000 to a maximum of Rs 9,00,000 in India. These price ranges may vary depending upon the vehicle condition and body type (container, open body, or other)
Nearby Dealers For Used Tata Intra V30 Mini Truck
To buy old Tata Intra V30 mini trucks, contact your nearest used Tata mini truck dealers. The dealer provides you with available models of Tata Intra V30 second hand mini trucks. You should avoid multiple brokerages by contacting the seller directly. Dealers provide you with detailed information about vehicle performance and conditions. Also at TrucksBuses, you can get a range of used mini truck models according to your requirements which are listed on this page.
Used 4 Wheeler Tata Intra V30 Mini Truck Available Models
Here you will find models of Tata Intra V30 mini trucks up to 15 years old. You can find 2nd hand mini truck models from model years 2009 to 2024. You can view the images, fuel variants, and model year of your used Intra V30 mini trucks from the above list. Ask the owner about the accident case of this second-hand model of Tata Intra V30.
Checklist Before Purchasing Used Tata Intra V30 Mini Truck
Notify the following key points before purchasing your desired pre-owned Intra V30 mini truck;
Check the overall performance of the vehicle
Check tyre quality and body condition
Verify RC and other documents
Engine conditions and gearbox
Owner serial
Best place to buy Pre-Owned Tata Intra V30 mini trucks
TrucksBuses is a well-known platform that is committed to customer-satisfying services. You can buy used 4-chakka Tata Intra V30 second hand mini trucks directly from TrucksBuses. TrucksBuses has two used vehicle dealerships in the Gurgaon and Mahendragarh districts of Haryana. Here, you can choose from a wide variety of used Tata Intra V30 mini trucks with photos and model years. Also, buyers can directly contact to 2nd hand Intra V30 mini truck dealers by paying some website charges at TrucksBuses.