Comparison between Tata Yodha EX Crew Cabin Pickup Vs Mahindra Bolero Camper Pickup


Both pickup mileage range starts between 12 to 14 KMPL and both these crew cabin pickups have a carrying capacity of 5 people.

Mahindra Bolero Camper is a worthy vehicle for a worthy men. Tata Yoda crew Cabin powered by the most powerful and fuel efficient engine.

Payload Capacity

Tata Yodha Crew Cabin and Mahindra Bolero Camper pickup comes with approx 1 ton of loading capacity.


Mahindra Bolero Camper Price range starts with Rs 8.79 to 9.56 lakh* onwards. Tata Yodha Crew Cabin price range starts with Rs 9.18 to 9.92 lakh* onwards.

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